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김재연—무너지고 쌓이는
Kim Jae Yeon—Crumbling, piling up
편집디자인 Editorial Design

김재연 Kim Jae Yeon

김재연 작가 사진집 디자인
Catalog design for the photography exhibition of Kim Jae Yeon

『무너지고 쌓이는』은 작가 김재연이 가족 형태의 변화를 비롯한 삶의 변화를 겪으며 그를 둘러싸고 있는 주변 세계를 기록한 작업이다. 작가의 삶이 투영된 사진 작업과, 떨어진 열매를 주워 구성한 ‘사진 판화 드로잉’, 그리고 얼음과 씨앗, 흙의 형태로 맺혀진 시아노그래피으로 구성되어 있다. 

책의 제목은 ‘무너지는 것’은 곧 새로운 위치에서 또 다른 형태로 ‘쌓이는 것’이 된다는 작가의 시각을 암시한다. 이를 북디자인 전반에 걸쳐 담았는데, 무너지는 하강의 이미지와 쌓이는 상승의 이미지를 번갈아 나타내어, 작가가 경험을 재해석하고 재배열해 나가는 과정을 비춘다. 작가의 작업의 구성 요소들을 조합하여 표지를 디자인했고, 이미지 위에 섬세한 선을 쌓아 올려 공간감을 더했다.

섬세한 감각으로 작품을 경험할 수 있도록 손으로 느껴지는 촉감에 미묘한 변화를 주었는데, 표지에서는 얇고 날카로운 제목 글자에 양각 형압 효과를 주고 흰색 선을 실크 스크린으로 인쇄했다. 내지에는 서로 다른 질감의 두 종류의 종이를 섞어 사용하여, 종종 예상치 못한 곳에서 다른 촉감을 느낄 수 있도록 구성했다.

Crumbling, Piling Up is the artist Kim Jae Yeon’s record of her surroundings while experiencing changes in life, including marriage and childbirth. It consists of photo works reflecting her life, ‘photo print drawings’ composed of fallen fruits, and cyanography works of ice, seeds, and soil.

The book’s title, Crumbling, Piling Up, hints at the artist’s perspective on how crumbles down in one aspect of life can pile up elsewhere. This concept is mirrored in the book’s design, which alternates between images of descent and ascent, echoing the artist’s process of reinterpreting her experiences. We have created dimensional depth by layering delicate lines and combined elements on the cover.

Its haptic texture variations keep you in the tension from subtle changes like embossing effects and silk screen added on the cover. Inside the book, two types of paper with different textures were mixed and matched to make the delicate dynamic.

Crumbling, Piling Up is the artist Kim Jae Yeon’s record of her surroundings while experiencing changes in life, including marriage and childbirth. It consists of photo works reflecting her life, ‘photo print drawings’ composed of fallen fruits, and cyanography works of ice, seeds, and soil.

The book’s title, Crumbling, Piling Up, hints at the artist’s perspective on how crumbles down in one aspect of life can pile up elsewhere. This concept is mirrored in the book’s design, which alternates between images of descent and ascent, echoing the artist’s process of reinterpreting her experiences. We have created dimensional depth by layering delicate lines and combined elements on the cover.

Its haptic texture variations keep you in the tension from subtle changes like embossing effects and silk screen added on the cover. Inside the book, two types of paper with different textures were mixed and matched to make the delicate dynamic.

Crumbling, Piling Up is the artist Kim Jae Yeon’s record of her surroundings while experiencing changes in life, including marriage and childbirth. It consists of photo works reflecting her life, ‘photo print drawings’ composed of fallen fruits, and cyanography works of ice, seeds, and soil.

The book’s title, Crumbling, Piling Up, hints at the artist’s perspective on how crumbles down in one aspect of life can pile up elsewhere. This concept is mirrored in the book’s design, which alternates between images of descent and ascent, echoing the artist’s process of reinterpreting her experiences. We have created dimensional depth by layering delicate lines and combined elements on the cover.

Its haptic texture variations keep you in the tension from subtle changes like embossing effects and silk screen added on the cover. Inside the book, two types of paper with different textures were mixed and matched to make the delicate dynamic.

기획·편집·발간 / 책 사진 제공:

Publishing & Photos of Book: