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젊은 작가 단편집 시리즈
브랜드 아이덴티티 Brand Identity
편집디자인 Editorial Design


젊은 작가 단편집 시리즈 아이덴티티 디자인과 창간호 표지·내지 디자인
Visual identity for the literary collections series of the younger generation of writers and book design for its first issue.

‘문학이라는 커다란 숲에 온전한 개체로 피어 있는 작품들을 기준과 경계 없이 한곳에 모아 소개하고자 한다’는 림의 기획 콘셉트를 담은 『림LIM』의 시리즈 제호의 아이덴티티를 개발했습니다.

수풀을 구성하는 작은 단위인 풀 모양의 모티브와 바람에 올라타 움직이는 동세가 느껴지는 그래픽을 통해 제목의 의미를 직관적으로 전달하며 『림』이 추구하는 태도를 드러냅니다.

『림』 1호의 책 디자인은 해당 호의 ‘균열된 틈 사이로 스며 나오는 빛이 퍼지고 증식하는’ 무드를 추상적으로 표현하는 방식을 선택했습니다.

The series’s identity reflects the idea of LIM, which is about bringing together and showing works as complete pieces within the giant forest of literature, freeing itself from obsolete customs and boundaries.

The title’s meaning is easily understood using graphics showing grass-like patterns, which are the small parts of the forest. And the image of fluttering in the wind shows the attitude that LIM wants to share.

The first issue contains abstract artwork representing the feeling of light coming through cracks and spreading mysteriously.

The series’s identity reflects the idea of LIM, which is about bringing together and showing works as complete pieces within the giant forest of literature, freeing itself from obsolete customs and boundaries.

The title’s meaning is easily understood using graphics showing grass-like patterns, which are the small parts of the forest. And the image of fluttering in the wind shows the attitude that LIM wants to share.

The first issue contains abstract artwork representing the feeling of light coming through cracks and spreading mysteriously.

The series’s identity reflects the idea of LIM, which is about bringing together and showing works as complete pieces within the giant forest of literature, freeing itself from obsolete customs and boundaries.

The title’s meaning is easily understood using graphics showing grass-like patterns, which are the small parts of the forest. And the image of fluttering in the wind shows the attitude that LIM wants to share.

The first issue contains abstract artwork representing the feeling of light coming through cracks and spreading mysteriously.